This is the most famous gate, "陽明門(Yōmei-mon)".
Introduce interesting keyword here.
●陽明門(Yōmei-mon) ・・・ "陽明" is means that the sun is shining bright.
●東照大権現(Tōshō-dai-gongen) ・・・ "東照" is means the first rays of sunlight from the east.
●日光(Nikkō) ・・・ This place is "日光", which literally means it is sunlight.
Yes, everything is an image of the sun.
Impresionantes y bellas tomas, son fantasticos los detalles captados y el colorido es precioso, un abrazo
ReplyDeleteSuper angle, I was in Japan when I was about 25 years old and over 20 years ago and it was for 6 months and I always regret I was then only an engineer and not having a camera !